In seven weeks I will be leaving the place I've called home for the past 6 years. This is important news because there was a point when many people thought I wouldn't, some still think I won't. Though I will have not yet graduated from the physical therapy program that I am in, I will be done with classroom work and will be doing clinical rotations. Since none of my rotations are in Abilene I'll be moving and will only be back to visit and graduate.
In my time here I've lived in 2 dorms, 5 houses and have had 16 roomates. The house I lived in the longest was the White House (1.5 years) and the longest I lived with any of my roommates was 2 years (but most I lived with a year or less). Of those roommates I shared a room with 5 of them. I know it was a blessing to be able to live with and learn from a wide variety of people and I feel all of them have helped shape who I am today.
There may be a time when I come back and live in Abilene and fulfill my ambitions of being a faculty member and club sponsor, but that time may be far away. So for now I will hold on to the memories of Abilene and ACU and cherish the time I have left to call it my home.