Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Just Hangin Out

I haven't written anything in a while because not much has happened in the clinic since I started on Sept 4. I have also been too tired to think let alone type out a blurb on my blog, which I knew would happen some day. Don't get me wrong I have been doing things, but I have come to find out that jumping in my car and dropping by someones house unannounced is not a good idea when everyone live 20-30 miles from me. But here is what has been going on I have been worshiping at Richland Hills Church of Christ and am on one of the praise teams, I have seen Cody Blair coach his 7th graders in a game for which I had to run the clock, I went to the Clash of Champions a match-up between Northwest High School of Miami, FL and Carroll High School of Southlake, TX and I've gone to a football practice run by Mark Gibson and his assistant Zach Garza.

Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays are my long days because I work from 9 am to 7pm which is good because I don't have to worry about traffic on the way home. Tuesdays and Fridays are better because I work from 7am to 1pm so little traffic both ways and who can complain about a 6 hour day. I have been living a fairly routine simple life during this rotation but I am enjoying myself.


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